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Level 5- Ages 8-13- Learn what Scripture says about 32 negative...
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Fully illustrated book to teach character to preschool and kindergarten
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A five-hour CD series. Rick Boyer reads the Book of Proverbs just as he reads it to his own kids -- complete with comments, colorful example stories and simple explanations of unusual words in the text. Our own kids learned so many verses just from listening at night when they went to bed. It's one of the best things we did to help them learn Scripture! And, it stuck with them through the years. God's Word never returns void.
A five-hour CD series. Rick Boyer reads the Book of Proverbs just as he reads it to his own kids -- complete with comments, colorful example stories and simple explanations of unusual words in the text. If your child doesn`t like naptime, let Uncle Rick read him to sleep!
Recommended for children ages 3-12. This is one of the best things we did with our kids. We would play them at naptime and bedtime and our children learned tons of Scripture without even trying. As they grew up it helped them to view the world through the framework of God's Word and as adults, the Scriptures learned as children still pops up to guide them through life!
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What our customers say:
"We love Uncle Rick!
My three youngest children listen to Uncle Rick Reads the Proverbs every night while falling to sleep. Recently my nine year old daughter told her dad that she was tempted to do something she shouldn't but she remembered what Uncle Rick had read to her from the Bible about that. It helped her keep from following through on the sin! What a blessing."
~ Michelle
"Today for our Bible reading, I started with Proverbs 1. A few words into it, I paused, and to my amazement my five year old proceeded to recite, nearly word perfect, the entire chapter. How? By listening to Uncle Rick at naptime! It turns out he knows very big chunks from several places throughout the entire book of Proverbs. Needless to say, I`ll be adding all the rest of the Uncle Rick Bible recordings to our personal collection! Thank you so much for your ministry!"
~ Mae W.
"Thank you for all the books you have written they have been such an encouragement to my family. In fact I listen to Uncle Rick reads the Proverbs when I do have stay home alone at night, b/c I am terrified of the dark and being home alone! A more inept military wife could not be found then myself! You and your family have been such a testimony I feel like you guys can say Psalm 34:1-3 and I want to rely on God in my times of trouble and gladness and push others to exalt the Lord. Thank you for all the hardships you endured and plodded through choosing to keep your eyes on God even when it was really hard. It has helped me."
~ Megan Mingonet
"All of your products have been absoulte treasures, and to hear my 8 year old listening to Uncle Rick read the Bible as he falls asleep at night makes our hearts rejoice!!"
~ Christy
"I wanted you to know that your Uncle Rick audio books have made a huge impact on one of my children. From the time he was small(at least 2 years old), he had hearing and vision difficulties. He has undergone numerous tests, a surgery, speech therapy, vision therapy etc. etc. and although he should be in 6th grade, he reads at a beginning 4th grade level.
Homeschooling has been a blessing for him and has allowed him to learn at his own pace....he'll get there eventually. The most wonderful encouraging thing happened though after he started listening to your Bible and history c.d.s. He could recite details of the Bible and history with ease and understanding.
I can't tell you how good it felt to see him learning! He can't recall many of the things he learns because of the way his brain works and the delays he has. He reads so slowly that he doesn't always comprehend what he is reading(especially some of the phrases in our KJV Bible), but listening has opened things up for him. He LOVES Jesus and his favorite subject is history and now, due to your audios and God's grace, he is hiding it all in his heart. Thank-you so much!"
~ Heather
"As soon as the children heard that "Rick Boyer" and "The Learning Parent" at tis year's convention, they immediately knew who you were. My eldest exclaimed, "Mama! It's Uncle Rick! It's Uncle Rick! Is he really going to be here?" We have several audio Bible type items, but the Uncle Rick CD's are their favorite. So the whole family is excited to hear that your family will be speaking next year. Your family has been a blessing to all of us."
~ Elizabeth
"My husband & I recently attended SEARCH & bought the Proverbs on CD for our 4 kiddos. They have been listening to them and enjoying them very much."
"This past week we were on vacation & I had an issue with my youngest daughter age 4 being very defiant. One evening after I had spanked her she was sitting on my lap crying & I said "you know, Meg, that you have to obey your parents, and that, if you don't, I have to correct you. We all need to follow rules and I don't make these rules. You know who does; right?" Still crying she sobbed, "Yes - Uncle Rick."
My husband & I just thought that was priceless & had to share. Of course we set her straight that Uncle Rick doesn't make the rules, but what a blessing those CDs have been so thank you!!"
“I really like the CD’s you send us. Thank you for the George Washington CD. My favorite book of the Bible that you read is Matthew. I learned a lot about Jesus from your CD’s.
I am 9 years old and my name is Kate.”
"Dear Uncle Rick,
Thank you for your audio CD’s. We have 7 of them and I listen almost every night. I like your CD’s because I know who is reading them and I like how you read them. I want to try to graft some of the trees together that are in my backyard like you said on one of your CD’s. I am 10 years old.
From your little buddy, Joel"
Height | 109 |
Width | 120 |
Age | 0-5, 6-12 |
Type | CD |
Emphasis | Bible Memory, Proverbs |
Author | Uncle Rick Reads from KJB |
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