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Crossroads of Character Ebook

Fully illustrated book to teach character to preschool and kindergarten

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  • Follow the six cousins through their day to day learning adventures . This colorfully illustrated book teaches your child 12 basic character qualities, vital to your child`s understanding of how to make wise choices in their everyday lives. The Boyer cousins (my grandchildren) are the main characters in the simple but effective stories in decision making.  The goal is to teach your child the definition of the character qualities (your child can`t implement character in their lives without understanding what it is), and also teaches them a Scripture verse, (what God says about it).

      32 pp. Hardcover

    This can be purchased as part of our new Character Concepts for Preschoolers at a discounted price!

    Endorsement:    Kate Brown and Marilyn Boyer have crafted real life stories to make lively application for your children of basic biblical callings for them (and for all of us).  These stories describe God's precepts for our children; obedience, patience, honesty, gratefulness, respect, responsibility, initiative, diligence, kindness, self-control, contentment, and deference.   They are also illustrative of the scores of opportunities we have in the common stuff of life to take our children to the cross for repentance, and to the throne of grace with confidence, so that they may receive mercy and find grace to help in their time of need.  (Hebrews 4:14-16)~ Mrs. Margy Tripp of Shepherding the Heart Ministries, pastor's wife, author, conference speaker, educator

    Crossroads of Character is part of the Character Concepts Preschool Curriculum from Character Concepts. It is a fun little hardback book that introduces your child to "the cousins." As the cousins work and play together they learn important character qualities. A topic like obedience (which is one of the most important at my house) is introduced and handled simply. You will: learn & memorize a tag line, for example, "I will obey immediately, cheerfully and thoroughly." Then: discover & memorize the scripture verse that supports this quality. (I love, love, love that all the character qualities come straight from Bible!) You will also: read the adventure the cousins experience that demonstrates this character quality in action. My kids love this book and the "real life" pictures (vs. illustrations) are one of the things that my kids find fascinating.~ Stephanie Buckner



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    Crossroads of Character Ebook

    Crossroads of Character Ebook

    Fully illustrated book to teach character to preschool and kindergarten
