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The Fight for Freedom: True Stories Of America's War for Independence E-book

Watch as American history comes to life in full color for your 3rd grade patriots! Brand new student text by Rick and Marilyn Boy

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  • In simple, entertaining story form, your student will be introduced to the leaders, the causes, and the challenges of the Revolutionary War. The adventures of statesmen, soldiers, sailors, spies, and Native American fighters illustrate how God worked both naturally and supernaturally to build a free nation out of 13 scattered English colonies. Students will:

    • Meet over 30 heroes of the War for Independence in this 34-week, Monday through Friday biographical study
    • Be able to better remember what they learn through stories and pertinent Bible verses
    • Learn from callouts with comments on the character traits of those spotlighted!

    Follow Uncle Rick on this exciting journey through the days of America’s birth. Along the way, you will discover life-changing character lessons from the experiences of real American heroes and villains. Students will learn the providential acts of God that made it possible for colonial America to fight and win a war against Great Britain, the mightiest military power on earth. Get the truth from non-revisionist sources in this historical adventure that children will remember for years to come!  Paperback 360 pp. Can be used for 3-6 grade. Teacher's Guide is available- Biographies of the Revolution, can be purchased separately or as a set. 

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    "As a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and a veteran of Vietnam, I have the greatest respect and love for our Country. Unfortunately, our children are not being taught the history of our nation in most of our public and private schools.

    America’s Struggle to Become a Nation and The Fight for Freedom written by Rick and Marilyn Boyer together with student worksheets and biographical reference materials are an outstanding and invaluable information resource for teaching the formation and development of the United States of America. 

    Rick and Marilyn have done a remarkable job of documenting the struggles and sacrifices of brave men and women who, “with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence,” risked their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to build this land we love. 

    Every American would benefit by reading these marvelous works designed to preserve our heritage as a nation."

    Chief Justice Roy Moore

    See what our customers say:

    "The Fight for Freedom arrived today! It looks lovely. You've tapped into a critical market~history for the elementary years that is neither "dumbed~down" yet not too hard for littler minds to grasp.  It's PERFECT for this age group!  Thanks so much!"
    ~Holly Davis

    I found this history program to be simple to implement and very open and go for me as a teacher.  Everything that needs to be done is laid out, and other than the occasional supply for a project, there’s nothing-additional necessary to buy. Even the supplies for the projects are simple to obtain.

    We really enjoyed this curriculum. The chapters of history were very readable. My eleven year old read independently, but I often sat and read through sections with my nine year old. The full-color illustrations, Bible verses and primary source quotations in the sidebars make looking through the student textbook a pleasurable experience. The questions in the worksheets focus on story comprehension, so they are simple enough for a younger elementary school student if a parent is teaching multiple ages. The audio is also pleasant to listen to and my children enjoyed listening to some of the audio tracks multiple times.

     I would definitely consider buying other history books in this series. It is pleasurable to go through, and I learned more about the founding fathers and other people who played parts in the war that I did not know before we started going through this curriculum.

     -Product review by Rebecca Ray, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, LLC, June, 2016



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    The Fight for Freedom: True Stories Of America's War for Independence E-book

    The Fight for Freedom: True Stories Of America's War for Independence E-book

    Watch as American history comes to life in full color for your 3rd grade patriots! Brand new student text by Rick and Marilyn Boy
