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The Boy Artillerist Audio Story View larger


The Boy Artillerist Audio Story

This is the story of "The Gallant Pelham" as the men called him. Fresh out of West Point, he proved himself so fearless and skillful, that he attracted the attention of J.E.B. Stuart who after the youth's first battle, entrusted him to organize a battery to consist of six pieces of horse artillery. Learn how his skill and intrepity inspired his men. 


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    The Boy Artillerist Audio Story

    The Boy Artillerist Audio Story

    This is the story of "The Gallant Pelham" as the men called him. Fresh out of West Point, he proved himself so fearless and skillful, that he attracted the attention of J.E.B. Stuart who after the youth's first battle, entrusted him to organize a battery to consist of six pieces of horse artillery. Learn how his skill and intrepity inspired his men.