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Profiles of Valor

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True stories from the War of Independence.

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  • Throughout America's history, young people have been entertained and challenged by the stories of heroes from the past. Kids love the stories of great men and women from history and they want to be like them. Now Profiles of Valor brings to life 40 fascinating characters from America's War of Independence. 

    Your children will love these exciting true stories. And they'll be inspired to strive for the character qualities they illustrate. They'll see greatness exemplied by:

    Nancy Strong, the patriot spy who ferreted out information about British military strategy and signaled it to Washington's spies-by hanging various colored petticoats on her clothesline!

    General George Washington, whose desperate prayer in the snow of Valley Forge brought supernatural deliverance to his starving soldiers-through a miraculous swarm of fish in a nearby river.

    Reverand James Caldwell, "The Fighting Chaplain", who sent bullets and Scripture flying toward charging British soldiers when he threw copies of Watt's Hymnal to his men for rifle wadding, shouting "Give em Watts, boys! Give em Watts!"

    Customer Reviews 

      This book was an amazing read about so many people who helped shaped our nation! I loved sharing Profiles of Valor with my children and seeing them excited over learning about history. Each chapter combines a character trait with a scripture then a story of real, live people to back it up followed by questions at the end. It is a great read for families of all ages! My kids loved learning stories they hadn't heard before as well as seeing how God had done so many great things through people just like them.
      It was encouraging and refreshing to share with them how people were willing to do what's right no matter what for the sake of freedom. We need more books like this today to teach our children the importance of where we came from and Who it is that brought us here! I highly recommend you adding this book to your own collection, whether you use it for schooling or just to read on its' own.
    ~ Tyra

      "Profiles of Valor" shares many stories of men and women (some well-known and others not) of bravery, courage and perseverance. Through each story’s attention to detail using vivid descriptions, illustrations and photos, my family was transported back to the 1700s where ordinary men and women chose to display character qualities that influenced and created our Nation. There is something for everyone along with a silent challenge to rise to the occasion and demonstrate these qualities in our homes and in our Nation today so that our freedoms will carry on.
      This book can be read from start to finish or can be read by character trait or historical figure without missing the richness and detail of the book. The questions at the end of each chapter really help young minds process all of the details in each story and help them think about how it relates to their life today.
      From Anna "Nancy" Strong's laundry "code" to Phoebe throwing George Washington's dinner plate out the window because of the poisoned peas to Rev. James Caldwell's creative idea of using the church's hymnals as ammo, "Profiles of Valor" is a treasury of stories that will be enjoyed for many years to come!
      Profiles of Valor: Character Studies from the War of Independence, co-written by Marilyn Boyer and Grace Tumas. This is a brand new book released this year. It's written chronologically beginning with George Washington in 1755 and ending with Alexis de Tocqueville in 1832. Each biography has been matched to a godly character quality. Each chapter is similarly presented with a character quality and it's definition, a memory verse, short biography (perhaps better described as an event or several events that bear witness to this quality), followed by several thought-provoking questions that require more than a yes or no answer.
      While I was not able to present the class as I had hoped, I was excited to read about our greatest document, and the battles, both spiritual and physical, waged to actualize it, to my own boys at home. They are a bit younger and I wasn't sure how much of the readings they could follow. I was pleasantly surprised when discussing US coins, weeks after we read about General Washington's bulletproof coat, and our six-year-old said something like, "Hey! That's the guy who didn't die when he got shot by Indians." I actually had to sit back and think to what he was referring!
      I was never very interested in history, but I really enjoy reading Profiles of Valor as a family and learning about the many patriots, both men and women, who played a role in creating this great nation. While we did notice a few typos, if you're raising patriots and would like to share the Christian beginnings of the United States of America with them, I recommend this book as well as the many other history products available from Character Concepts.


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    Well-written, inspiring and challenging

    "Profiles of Valor" shares many stories of men and women (some well-known and others not) of bravery, courage and perseverance. Through each story’s attention to detail using vivid descriptions, illustrations and photos, my family was transported back to the 1700s where ordinary men and women chose to display character qualities that influenced and created our Nation. There is something for everyone along with a silent challenge to rise to the occasion and demonstrate these qualities in our homes and in our Nation today so that our freedoms will carry on.

    This book can be read from start to finish or can be read by character trait or historical figure without missing the richness and detail of the book. The questions at the end of each chapter really help young minds process all of the details in each story and help them think about how it relates to their life today.

    From Anna "Nancy" Strong's laundry "code" to Phoebe throwing George Washington's dinner plate out the window because of the poisoned peas to Rev. James Caldwell's creative idea of using the church's hymnals as ammo, "Profiles of Valor" is a treasury of stories that will be enjoyed for many years to come!


    Excellent American history resource

    This is a brand new book released this year. It's written chronologically beginning with George Washington in 1755 and ending with Alexis de Tocqueville in 1832. Each biography has been matched to a godly character quality. Each chapter is similarly presented with a character quality and it's definition, a memory verse, short biography (perhaps better described as an event or several events that bear witness to this quality), followed by several thought-provoking questions that require more than a yes or no answer.

    While I was not able to present the class as I had hoped, I was excited to read about our greatest document, and the battles, both spiritual and physical, waged to actualize it, to my own boys at home. They are a bit younger and I wasn't sure how much of the readings they could follow. I was pleasantly surprised when discussing US coins, weeks after we read about General Washington's bulletproof coat, and our six-year-old said something like, "Hey! That's the guy who didn't die when he got shot by Indians." I actually had to sit back and think to what he was referring!

    I was never very interested in history, but I really enjoy reading Profiles of Valor as a family and learning about the many patriots, both men and women, who played a role in creating this great nation. If you're raising patriots and would like to share the Christian beginnings of the United States of America with them, I recommend this book as well as the many other history products available from Character Concepts.

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    Profiles of Valor

    Profiles of Valor

    True stories from the War of Independence.

    Regular Price $29.95

    On sale now $19.46