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Portraits of Integrity

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45 character-based stories from history

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  •  One of the most powerful ways to inspire people to greatness is through the stories of great people from the past.  In Portraits of Integrity you and your children will be challenged to strive for excellence through the examples of 45 people who did just that.  They will meet:

    --Jake DeShazer who was a prisoner of the Japanese during World War II.  He was tortured and kept in solitary confinement for many months, but when a Bible came into his hands he became a Christian and later went to Japan to share the gospel with his former enemies.
    --Nate Saint, the missionary pilot who, with Jim Elliott and three other men sacrificed his life to bring the gospel to the Auca Indians of South America.
    --Booker T. Washington, the former slave boy who rose to become the leader of his people and built a college from nothing to give ex-slaves and their children a chance to elevate themselves as he had.
    --and forty-two more inspirational heroes of history!
    Sure to be an all-time family favorite, Portraits of Integrity will be treasured as a centerpiece of family devotions or as a part of Character Concepts Curriculum.   Portraits of Integrity will inspire young people and their parents as well, with the examples of people who dared and did great deeds that have gone down in history. 
    My Motivation Behind Portraits of Integrity~ Marilyn
    I've always loved a good story and if it's true, so much the better. I find that I actually remember stories as opposed to just trying to learn facts. I've also found that I learn history so much better when in the context of a real life story. Whenever I hear of a motivating or captivating true story, I jot it down so that I tell my kids and others with the purpose of motivating them as I've been motivated by the sacrifices and experiences of real people. I think heaven is going to be hours upon hours of hearing the life stories of others and how God used the decisions they made to influence others and work God's ultimate plan for eternity. The stories you'll find in this book are stories that captivated my attention, stories I just had to have written up to hopefully serve as an inspiration in the lives of your family. My focus ever since my boys were little has been to seek out character demonstrated by real people in real life situations to serve as a picture to visualize what character looks like in action. Be sure to check our sample story (by clicking on the download tab) that so keenly illustrates forgiveness. If Jake DeShazer could forgive the very ones who tortured him, it provides a compelling case for helping your child forgive a sibling for destroying their Lego creation- one they will NEVER forget! This book has 45 such stories- one for each of 45 character qualities. I hope your family will be inspired by their stories!
    This book is packed full of wonderful examples of historical figures, each who clearly demonstrated one of forty-five godly character traits. I am using this book together with Marilynn Boyer's "Kids of Character" curriculum, which partner beautifully together. This book will easily be one of our great treasures in our library~ MJ

    This is a wonderful book. We have been using it this year to supplement our home school curriculum. It is an excellent book. Stories about Godly character to help your child grow and learn. Many stories brought tears to my eyes.~Celeste
    I have this book hard copy and am excited that it is now available in ebook formate. I get to have it on my iPad for easy reference. As a preacher and teacher this book is packed full of example and illustrations of godly character useful to edify your own soul as well as in sermon or devotional preparations when looking for illustrations. And you can beat the price make this an exceptional value.
    In a day when history is not truthfully imparted to the next generation, the Boyers have successfully portrayed history simply and truthfully. Young people today are bombarded with renditions of history ,which are vague at best, that lacks truth.

    A must have to go back to for reference and inspiration in a day when inspiration is at a all time low. This resource is a definate character builder with each chapter full of examples of character qualities we all can glean from.~Kelli
    We bought this book last year at a homeschool convention after meeting the Boyers. We use it along with our Bible time and our son who is 11 BEGS for this book every day. It is full of people who exemplify 40 different character qualities that we should all try and emulate. Each character sketch is begun with the Character, a description of the character quality and a memory verse. The sketches are wonderful and fascinating and deal mostly with times during wars that certain real people have demonstrated each of these different qualities. If you really take the time to pay attention to these sketches, you are humbled to know more about these people and want to live up to their examples. Each sketch is ended with a series of questions to find out how much you understand and to make you think about what you've learned. i would HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a quality Christian book to teach character to their children. We read it to all our children, ages 4-11, but no one besides the 11 year old really pays a lot of attention and latches onto it. I would buy it again in an instant.~Carol
    We have six children ages 9 and under. One of the most important things we want to teach our children is about CHARACTER. For the past 6 months, using "Portraits of Integrity" we have been memorizing the definitions of the character qualities and memorizing the accompanying Scripture verses. My husband and I love the results! For instance, Obedience means "Doing what is expected of me cheerfully, immediately, and thoroughly." Wow is it helpful for them to know that definition when we are talking about obedience/disobedience!! And it is music to our ears as parents to hear our children quoting Scripture. I am so thankful for "Portraits of Integrity" as well as all the other character books the Boyers have written. Please make sure to check out their website and make use of their other wonderful and trustworthy products!! [...]~Pablo
    I purchased this book to help teach my children about the amazing true stories of those who have gone before us in establishing our country. I feel so much of our national history has been lost. This has been a valuable tool in teaching my children about the godly people of great character who have gone before us. Their examples have inspired and impressed my children and myself of their bravery, courage, dedication and faithfulness. These stories will bring lasting impressions on your heart and in your child's memory forever. Thank you for putting this amazing book together
    I bought this book along with some other character-building materials by the author. It is so compelling that my 11 year old son wanted to read the whole thing on his own and not wait for us read it together! It's a great combination of interesting historical accounts and character-building stories. This book is much better than many of the character-building books I own, simply because these stories are true! I highly recommend this book!
    We purchased this book as part of a homeschool curriculum on character traits. Portraits of Integrity is by far our favorite part of this curriculum. It is filled with stories of real people, in real life situations that showed strength of character. We use this book as a read aloud for my children (girl-4, boy-7, boy-10). The boys are riveted by the stories and are quick to remind me if I forget to integrate the book into our lessons. I strongly recommend this book to anyone looking for real life, non Hollywood-generated role models.

  • Author Marilyn Boyer and Grace Tumas
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  • Reviews


    excellent resource, precious memories

    Thank you, again, Marilyn & Grace, for your time and endless effort to present us with excellent resources and precious memories from the past. WE LOVE YOU and are thankful to GOD for YOU!


    Excellent Resource!

    I purchased this book to read to my children and we thoroughly enjoyed reading through it together. The next year, I gave it to my 11-year-old son to read as part of his literature assignment -- he devoured it! We love the character emphasis in the lives of these historical heroes. Another added benefit is the fact that the stories do not only feature the well-known people of our history, but also the lesser, giving an even broader view of our nation's past. Thank you, Boyer family, for this wonderful gift to the home-school community!

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    Portraits of Integrity

    Portraits of Integrity

    45 character-based stories from history